Copyeditor and Coach

for Copywriters

Live the dream life that made you start your biz in the first place.

You can figure out this whole copywriter business owner thing.

Up until now, it hasn’t been easy. Far from it.

You’ve tried a niche or two. Maybe you’ve even had some clients. (Or maybe you just felt your gut drop because you haven’t had any luck getting any.)

You’re nowhere near where you thought you’d be by now, and the disappointment feels like a huge weight on your chest. Those dreams you dreamed up when you first started feel more and more impossible, and every time another month passes without you hitting your income goals, you’re reminded of how far you have to go. It makes you feel like crawling back into bed to hide under the covers. Or maybe you feel like you’re falling into a big dark pit of despair. (Oh my gosh, I’ve SO been there!)

You want this to work so badly. And you’re more than willing to put in the work — if you could just figure out what to actually do.

I’m here to tell you, you can do it. I’m serious. Go back and read that line again.

Since you didn’t actually read that line again I’ll repeat myself: YOU CAN TOTALLY MAKE THIS HAPPEN.

Even though it seems impossible.

Even though so many others are making it happen and you’re not.

Even though you have no idea where to go from here, and you feel like you should know.

But those dreams you journaled about and put in your morning affirmations are worth fighting for. And they can become a reality.

Your right next step may not be clear - but I promise it’s out there.

Hi, I’m Carley DenBoer.

I’m a business owner, copyeditor, mentor, and coach. 

I’ve seen so many new copywriters give up, get burnt out, or lose faith in themselves because they get stuck in the early(ish) stages of owning a copywriting business. 

The biggest hangup they face?

Getting stuck trying to figure out the next best step forward.

And it breaks my heart.

Because I’ve gone through it, too.

As someone with chronic health issues and mental health challenges, entrepreneurship is still one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. And one of the most rewarding. 

All the late nights on the verge of tears because I felt like a failure, all those times I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to figure out things that in hindsight were ridiculously simple, every time I battled through imposter syndrome – all of that has been so worth it.

Now I have a team of copyeditors and coaches I adore, and I get to show newer copywriters that, yes, it IS possible to build a copywriting business from the ground up.

If you’re struggling to make this whole copywriter/copyeditor business owner thing work so you can live the life you dreamt of when you first started…

We can map out what to do to get you there. 

Let’s figure out your next right step – together.

“Thanks to Carley’s support, I have confidence in myself and my work.

With that confidence, my business continues to grow and I get to continuously serve clients I love working with.”

– Charity Hupp, Copywriter 


Get your copy submission ready

Copywriting is your strong suit. Editing isn’t. Get pinpoint precision edits that will have your clients ooing and awwing at your next submitted project.

The Course

Become a copyeditor.

Do you enjoy tweaking other people’s copy more than writing your own? Ditch the copywriting life and become a copywriter's new best friend. 

“Carley is the copywriter's dream editor. She has a keen eye not just for the nitty-gritty details of grammar and punctuation – she also scrutinizes content structure and flow. Truly a powerhouse combo!” 

– Ashley Cook, Copywriter

Let’s be insta-besties.


Trust is the first word that comes to mind when I think of Carley’s editing. With every review, I can trust Carley to bring a unique perspective, careful attention to detail, and genuine care. Her personal copywriting expertise allows her to point out details that I would never notice in my own writing, and she always takes it a step further by offering thoughtful alternative suggestions. If you want to feel like you’ve done everything you can to ensure your writing is polished and top-notch, just have Carley edit your work!”

“I think Carley is incredibly skillful at assessing a copywriter's individual journey, gifting, potential - and she offers actionable solutions that will help you stand out in the freelancing world.”