3 Things to Look For in a Copywriting Mentor

Get the support you need to gain confidence and improve your skillset with the right copywriting mentor.

As a copywriter and business owner, things can get so overwhelming. 

Luckily, you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

There are so many shiny “5 figure” courses and valuable tools out there that can help you do anything. But sometimes, what you need *right now* isn’t a new tech toy or a course touting big income.

Instead of soaking up ALL the information and dealing with info overwhelm, you can get help from someone who’s been there and seen it. Someone who can help you identify which moves you need to make next to propel you and your business forward. 

As a copywriting mentor, I’ve helped hundreds of copywriters like you manage the overwhelm and focus on the biggest needle-movers for your biz. 

Copywriting mentors can help you sift through everything you think you *should* be doing and develop a personalized plan to help you grow as a copywriter and business owner – fast

But with all the coaches and mentors out there in the virtual world, you might be wondering:

  • Which one is right for me?

  • Who would vibe with me the most?

  • Who can cater to my specific needs and strengths?

  • Do they fit my budget?

We’ll tackle all of the above. But first, let’s figure out what you NEED so you can get the most out of your investment in a copywriting mentor. 

Consider What You Need the Most Out of a Copywriting Mentor

I get it. You’re not sure where to start or what to do next, but I’m here to help you narrow it down. 

Maybe you’re looking for:

  • Accountability so you get things done and off your to-do list.

  • Foundational knowledge to gain more confidence.

  • Help with your vision – you know where you want to be, but you’re not sure how to get there.

  • Clarification on your next steps to make meaningful progress.

Whatever area you’re stuck on, it’s okay. It’s tough being a business owner, and you can’t know everything if you’ve never done it before. That’s what a copywriting mentor is there for.  But to make the most of your time with a copywriting mentor, it helps to get clear on a few things.

First, Define Your Goals

Make a list of alllll the things you feel you need to accomplish right now. No editing, no thinking too much. Brain dump everything you believe you need to do to feel like you’ve “made it'' as a copywriter. There are no wrong answers.

Just keep in mind this *might* feel a liiiiiittle overwhelming. Don’t worry though, because the right copywriting mentor will be there to help you sort through the list.

Next, Assess Your Learning Style

Do you like rigid structure or prefer to think creatively with a little push? Do you prefer tough love or an enthusiastic BFF encouraging you every step of the way? Think about how you learn best and how you like to receive feedback. That way, when you’re looking for a copywriting mentor, you can seek someone out who fits your specific style.

Last, Consider Mentorship Duration

Do you need a short and intense sprint? Maybe you only need a little bit of help to get over one or two hurdles. Or are you in for a marathon that allows for gradual skill refinement and development? It’s okay if you want to stick your toes in first before you commit. And if budget is an issue, make sure you set some realistic goals for this. Smaller programs and services will be a better fit if you’re on a tight budget.

When you identify those three things, you’ll know what you need from a copywriting mentor. Now let’s dive into what they gotta have to help you reach your goals.

What to Look For in a Copywriting Mentor

When you try to find a copywriting mentor, it’s easy to get sucked into the promises of results on their sales or services page. 

But all mentors have different styles and techniques to get their clients those results. It’s important to match with one that feels right to you. 

Here are 3 things to look for in your copywriting mentor.

1. Experience

When it comes to a mentor, you’ll want someone who’s a few steps ahead of you in their career. 

Look at the experience they’ve had as a business owner and copywriter. Then consider these points:

  • Does their journey sound similar to the path I’d like to follow, and can they help me get where I want to go? 

  • Do they work with people like me? Who do they typically support?

  • Does this person have the experience and expertise that aligns with the type of mentor I'd do best with?

  • Do they have the skills and knowledge to back it up? 

You’ll want someone that’s gone through it all so you know they can properly guide you on yours.

For example, I’ve helped coach hundreds of copywriters so they can level up their skills, hone techniques, and change their businesses to work better for them. As a copyeditor, I have direct experience at what clients look for in their copywriters, and what copywriters can do to look and be more successful.

This is the kind of experience you want from a coach, so seek out someone who has the right background for you to feel comfortable moving forward.


Your copywriting mentor’s approach is where you take the self-assessment above and put it into action.

Take notes on what they can help you achieve and their process in getting you there. See if they have any areas they focus on and if it aligns with what you need help with. Processes, client acquisition strategies, skill development, marketing – things like that.

If your mindset is holding you back, maybe a focus on mindset shifts is more your speed. 

Maybe you want a firm hand and clear direction. Or maybe more gentle guidance.

No matter what, it’s up to you to actually take what you learn and implement it. Remember, no amount of hand-holding will make your business successful – you have to do that. But a copywriting mentor can be the thing that helps you figure out how to get there.

In my coaching services I like to keep things fluid and adaptable because life can be messy. I find that offering smaller coaching services rather than longer programs gives me and my clients more flexibility to get help when they really need it, rather than on a set schedule.

3. Vibe

Last but not least, consider whether or not you think you’d get along with your mentor. (Seriously though, checking out the vibe is crucial.)

There are plenty of mentors out there that can help you achieve the results you’re after. But it’s SO important to resonate with their vibe and feel totally comfortable with your coach. 

Some copywriting mentors give off best-friend vibes (hey, that’s me! 👋), while others are high-power boss ladies. Others focus heavily on mindset.

Whichever you prefer, a successful collaboration is one where you feel empowered, not overwhelmed.

One of my top priorities is making sure my mentees feel like superstars when they finish a session. If you don’t feel great, I haven’t done my job.

How to Find a Copywriting Mentor

Start by looking at your network. Ask them who they’ve worked with before or if they’ve considered mentors themselves. They know you and have been along the journey with you, so they’ll be able to give you recommendations that might be better suited for you.

You can also look at the copywriters you know and admire – the ones you already follow on Instagram or whose email newsletters you’ve signed up for. You may already be familiar with their experience, approach, and vibe. See if they offer coaching services or reach out to them to ask if mentorship is something they’ve done before. Or maybe they got mentorship from someone. (Hint: if a lot of people you look up to got coaching from the same place, it’s a good idea to look into that.)

If all else fails, a quick Google search will give you a whole lot of options for a copywriting mentor. Just be careful to do thorough research and vibe checking if this is the route you go on. There are lots of… not-so-awesome people on the internet.

Regardless of where you find them, you’re sure to find a mentor that’s fit for you.

Get the Type of Mentorship That Feels Right for You

When looking for your copywriting mentor, match your goals and learning style with their experience, approach, and vibe. 

You’ll want a mentor who’s experience and offerings can cater to your learning preferences. And, most importantly, one you know you can get along with. 

There are so many mentors out there, you’re sure to find the one that is the perfect fit for you. A standout copywriting mentor will be your guide and cheerleader, and will genuinely care about your growth and success. 

That right there ☝️ is why I do what I do. I love being a mentor, because I care sooo much about you and your success. I want you to be happy with your business, and in life.

With my copyediting background, I’ve had tons of experience coaching different styles and types of copywriters. I help my clients work through tons of issues that come up from running a copywriting business – from client acquisition all the way to offer suites and packages, or even what to say on discovery calls. (As someone who used to be awkward wayyyy more than I’d like to admit, I can totally relate. Don’t worry, though, I got you!)

The thing is, you don’t have to stay stuck. Let’s tackle those bumps holding you back  together. Check out my coaching services here. 

And as always, I’m rooting for you. 🤩


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