Carley DenBoer Agency

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5 Signs You Need a Copywriting Mentor

Feeling stuck in your business? Maybe a little one-on-one help is what you need. Here are the top five signs a copywriting mentor might be on your radar.

Top 5 Signs You Need A Copywriting Mentor

You’ve seen all the copywriting mentors and coaches, and you wonder if they’re right for you. 

You know you can benefit from hands-on, one-on-one attention and support in your business. Because you love the idea of not having to do this whole copywriting thing alone. Spoiler alert: You totally don’t!

But how do you know when the “right” time is?

The truth is… there isn’t a strict right or wrong time.

No matter what stage you’re in, there are so many different reasons to get copywriting coaching. And recognizing the signs will help you decide when it’s the right time for you.

The Top Signs You’re Ready for a Copywriting Mentor

Hi! If you’re new here, I’m Carley! As a copywriting mentor, I’ve coached tons of copywriters on how to move past what’s keeping them stuck. So, I’m sharing the top five signs I’ve seen with my clients to help you find that clarity.

Let’s dive in.

1. You know how to write copy… but you don’t quite know how to really nail the writing process.

You’re a good writer. But you don’t know how to get to the point where you’re talking to your clients in a more in-depth manner. You need to learn how to recognize cues and interview them effectively so you can write copy that’s actually relevant to the client and their customers.

What this looks like:

  • Sometime, you sit down to write, and 30 minutes later, you’re still staring at that blank page.

  • You keep rewriting a piece to no end, overworking it over and over again because it’s not quiet right. And this happens consistently.

  • Your feedback sounds like this, ” This is great writing! But it’s not quiet hitting the mark…”

Thes all indicate that you’re ready for the next stage of writing at a deeper level. If you don’t know how to get there, you might need some help.

2. You feel like your clients might expect more from you.

Do your clients ever act surprised when the copy is done? Do you get the impression they think the process is too simple or you’re not giving them enough? But that feedback never gets back to you, and you’re left wondering where you’re going wrong.

What this looks like:

  • You often don’t know exactly what to do when you submit copy projects.

  • Terms like ”onboarding” and “offboarding” a client seem a bit foreign, or have a gut feeling you don’t really do this in your biz.

  • You sometimes feel like you need to do more to impress your client and add value to your services.

  • You’ve had a couple of test projects, but no one seems to stick around for long.

Don’t lose heart! All this means is you’re growing and ready to amp up your professionalism with some solid processes. Don’t worry — a copywriting mentor can give you exactly what you need.

3. Client acquisition is keeping you from moving forward… but for way longer than “normal.”

Okay, first of all, there is no “normal.” EVERYONE is different when it comes to client acquisition.

What IS normal is to struggle a bit with this as a newbie. But even the most experienced copywriters take a while to nail down an organic client acquisition strategy.

What this looks like:

  • You literally don’t know how to get new clients, and it’s keeping your business from moving forward.

  • You sent hundreds of cold emails and pitched your services in all the groups, and nothing is working.

  • It’s been wayyyy too long, and you have yet to have your first client, and you don’t feel good about putting yourself out there.

  • You want to get out of cold emailing, referral networking, or whatever strategy you currently have, but you don’t know how to transition.

  • Maybe you’ve been doing this for a few years, and you’d rather have organic outreach by marketing your own business.

These scenarios could mean you’re ready for support in your client acquisition strategy and efforts.

4. You’re just having trouble getting started.

…with literally anything in your biz. You know you need to just “do,” but that “getting started” phase is really pushing back at you. Whether that’s out of fear or indecision, you can’t get past yourself to take action.

What this looks like:

  • You’re having trouble getting started with your website.

  • You’re paralyzed with all the things you feel like you NEED to do.

  • You don’t know how to get out of the planning stage and start doing.

  • You’re afraid to show up on social media because you don’t know what to talk about.

  • You don’t feel like you’re “good enough” to have an email list, create a lead magnet, or share your expertise.

To be clear, these are all normal. When you first get started, it can be SO overwhelming, so if you’re experiencing any (or all) of these, PLEASE don’t give up. Know that this is very much a part of the process. However, if you are stuck, absolutely frozen, and don’t know where to turn… a copywriting mentor can help you push past this point.

5. You’re ready for the next step, but you don’t know what that is.

You’re getting bored with what you’re doing, and you want something more challenging. Or where you’re at isn’t where you want to be, but you don’t know what you should do next.

What this looks like:

  • Maybe you want to transition into a new niche or type of copy.

  • You have an end goal in mind, but you don’t know exactly how to get there.

  • You want a new title in your business. Like instead of “email copywriter”, you want to become a “launch copywriter”.

  • You don’t know where you want to take your business, and you’re struggling with what the next step should be for you.

This can all feel like you’re in over your head. That’s okay! Just know there IS a right next step, and a copywriting mentor can help you gain clarity on which one to take next.

Push through what’s holding you back with a copywriting mentor.

There are so many other reasons to get a copywriting mentor. Mentors can help with things like mindset, managing clients, helping you feel super confident in your skills, and sooo much more.

Everyone is different, with unique needs and struggles. A good mentor listens to you and helps you strategize the best way to break through the wall you’re facing – in a way that uses your strengths.

A mentor is the person who gives you the one-on-one support you need to move forward – whatever direction that may be.

You don’t have to stay stuck. Get the support you need when you need it.

Check out my coaching services here to see if I’m the right fit for you. I’m rooting for you either way. 😊