Copywriting Coaching

Get more clients, nail down your workflows, and show up as the professional you are.

Building a copywriting business from nothing is challenging. Understatement of the year, right?

It’s hard. 

From SEO to creating client onboarding systems, to learning how to *actually write copy*… There are a million different skills you need to make this thing called “freelance copywriting” work. 

You’ve gotta be ok with learning as you go and starting before you feel ready. But at the same time, you want to feel confident in your skills. 

You’re constantly moving forward, but you’re not always sure you’re going in the right direction. It can feel like you’re in over your head. And, you’re constantly looking for ways to work smarter, not harder. 

There’s a lot to juggle.

And on top of that, you’re constantly:

  • fighting off the urge to compare yourself to the copywriter next door

  • trying to figure out a client acquisition strategy that actually works and doesn’t suck your soul dry

  • wondering if your proposals, systems, and deliverables look professional to the outside world (can anyone say imposter syndrome?)

    You’re tired, and wondering if it’s time to throw in the towel.

Don’t give up on your dreams for your copywriting business (and your life)

“I came to Carley after weeks of frustrating ideating via sticky notes and Google docs. I knew I wanted to offer a new service package in my business, but I was a walking mess of rewritten concepts. I needed someone to help sort me out. Carley took my tangled heap of ideas and gave me clarity mentally and physically. Literally. 

I walked away from our call with my brain dump organized and a strategy outlined for tackling the next phase — and then the phase after that.  Not only did I get action steps to make my goal a reality, but Carley also gave me tools to hack my own (bad) habits and mental hang-ups. I'm STILL using our call to inspire me in my business, and it's been almost a year. Carley is a gem you NEED to have in your back pocket. I will forever be a fan.“

- Dianna Candido, Copywriter

Let’s tackle this together - because you don’t have to stay stuck.

Look, I’m not going to tell you that I’m the best coach in the world, or when you work with me, you’ll get everything you want out of life, and everything will be unicorns and rainbows. That’s just not realistic. 

But I can promise you that when you work with me:

  • I will never just tell you what I think you want to hear – I will always shoot it straight with you.

  • You’ll get my thoughtful attention as we holistically approach your business struggles together. 

  • And we are truly in this together. 

I want to expand on that last point: we are truly in this together. With my approach, the calls are only about 30% of your coaching experience. I spend the other 70% of your coaching experience doing things like: 

  • Individualizing materials to fit your unique business

  • Preparing visuals to best present concepts

  • Creating resources that will serve you for years to come

  • Writing prompts and first drafts of copy you’ll need for your business

  • Researching outsourcing and automation options that are in line with your priorities and budget

  • Curating specific resource lists to prevent analysis paralysis

On each coaching call, you can expect a presentation of materials and ideas. Then we’ll hone in on what will **actually** work for you. We’ll consider every relevant aspect of your life. (I’m talking schedule, kids, health, hobbies, preferences, priorities, etc. Needless to say – we get into it.)

I’ll get direction from you on our calls, then I continue to help create what you need to reach your goals and create your dream business.  

This is so much more than the calls themselves.

You see, I’ve had coaching where I would hop on a call and get advice that doesn’t consider my strengths or limitations. Then I was left with a long to-do list that I was expected to complete by the next call – which fit into the coach’s preferred schedule, not mine. And once I received the call recording, I was sent on my way. I felt like I couldn’t keep up, and instead of moving my business forward, I was bogged down with even more to-do’s. 

That’s so not the vibe I create through my coaching process. Nope. When you work with me – we are truly in this together. You will need to put in the effort, but my to-do list will always be longer than yours. Because I work for you, and your success is my success.

So, if you’re ready to get into the nitty-gritty of your business to start making major moves – that’s what I’m all about. 

Let’s see if we’re a good fit. 

“Carley went over the top! She pulled out all the stops to help me move forward in my business. She helped me establish processes and put systems in place to create a boutique-like experience for my clients. With her help, I'm able to onboard and create a positive experience for my clients. And I've saved SO much time, frustration, and overwhelm trying to figure things out on my own. She literally has saved me months of work.

I would highly recommend her services. She will help take your business and copywriting to the next level. Thank you Carley!”

– Jillian Cadotte, Copywriter for Community Builders

Common Coaching Topics

  • I get it – SEO is tricky. There’s endless information on the internet, and it’s all seemingly contradicting.

    Sure, you can thumb through all the SEO info, then spend months of trial and error trying to figure out how to actually implement it.

    I’m here to save you the headache by expediting that process.

    If that sounds good, we can create a comprehensive SEO plan for one site while learning techniques you can implement on any site in the future.

    We cover:

    SEO keyword research and planning

    Applying SEO techniques to a specific web page

    Running and interpreting SEO site audits

    Many clients have used SEO coaching to enhance their skills, justify higher pricing, and offer new packages like SEO audits.

  • Funnels are the glue that holds copy together. When you understand the sales funnel, each piece of copy falls into place.

    It’s all about guiding the customer through their sales journey – one funnel piece at a time.

    Plus, understanding your client’s funnel will help you pull bigger results and charge premium rates.

    If you want to dive into funnels together, we’ll cover:

    • Funnel analysis

    • Metric tracking

    • Content pillars

    • Content development and planning

  • Running a copywriting business involves so much more than just writing. After years of trial and error in my own business – I know first-hand how frustrating this process is.

    I’ve helped copywriters in various niches figure out business processes that *actually* work for them.

    Personalizing your processes is all about creating the business you LOVE.

    We can talk about any area of your business that needs support or areas you want to expand into. Some topics may include:

    • Batch working

    • Client acquisition and onboarding

    • Hiring team members

    • Expanding into a writing agency

    • Finding a junior copywriter

    • Creating systems, automations, and outsourcing are business growing pains that you don’t have to tackle alone.

  • I know. Just the words “client acquisition” make your jaw tense up. I get it.

    But business growth depends on it. So let’s create a realistic plan that fits your schedule and considers your preferences.

    Because here’s the thing – when you like doing something, you’re more likely to actually do it and not procrastinate.

    So, get ready to make client acquisition your bitch! … Or find ways to outsource and automate so you don’t have to deal with it. 😆

    Don’t worry – we’ll tackle it together.

Coaching Case Studies (coming soon)

Every coaching experience is tailored to each client, so no two processes will look the same. BUT I want you to have the clearest possible picture of what this looks like, so I'm putting together some coaching case studies.

They're still in the works but feel free to ask me about them on our discovery call!

“I reached out to Carley again to help me build a client's funnel. This business had a lot of moving parts and I struggled to figure out how to put it all together.

Carley did a deep dive into my client's business with me and together, we revised and streamlined a process that included all the unwieldy parts and created a funnel that made sense. Not only did I wind up with a tidy funnel, she helped me fill in the gaps as she led me step by step (with notes, videos, and graphics for me to reference in the future!).

My client now has a profit-generating funnel, I have a clear understanding of how to create one, and I can do it over and over again.”

-Melissa Goodwin, Launch Copywriter

Get Started With Kick-Butt Copywriting Coaching in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Discovery call.

I’d love to learn more about you! The first step is to schedule a discovery call. This gives us the chance to make sure coaching is the next right move for you. (And trust me, I’ll be honest if I don’t think it is.)

Step 2: Let’s kick things off!

During our first call, we'll spend 45-60 minutes diving into:

1. What you want to get out of coaching.

2. How we can best utilize your budget.

3. Your ideal timeline.

Investment: $45

Step 3: Schedule your first coaching call. 

Coaching calls last between 60 and 90 minutes. The amount of behind-the-scenes work and resource creation varies depending on your individualized coaching plan.

Investment: $425 per call

Bundled price: $375 per call when you commit to 3 or more calls.

You honestly won’t find this level of support, guidance, and care anywhere else. 

Obligatory Disclaimer

Please note: Coaching is powerful, but just like most things in life, there are no guarantees. Not everyone is meant to be a copywriter. In my experience, if you keep trying and get the support you need, you CAN make it work. But there are times when this career isn’t the best choice for the life you want to live, your family, or your mental health. (aka I’m only human, adjust your expectations accordingly)